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Energy Afterschool
Parents Information
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Our Service

We offer a wraparound ’Out of School Hours‘ Childcare service to primary children aged 4 – 12 years.

Our aim is to extend children’s daily learning by involving them in fun, active and creative programmes that will positively stimulate them both physically and cognitively while further assisting them in building their confidence and social skills in a more informal environment. We ensure that the atmosphere is different to that in a classroom and is not intended to be an extension of the school day. We already know that afterschool childcare is one of the single biggest obstacles facing working families. Our aim is to take the worrying out of finding suitable care, organising school pickups, homework and meals by offering a school onsite service so that parents can have complete peace of mind knowing that their child is in a safe, structured, stimulating and familiar environment. Our programmes are child led and we have a wide range of creative and physical activities that children can tap into throughout the afternoon. Children are also free to spend time relaxing, unwinding and reading on our comfy cushions in the designated quite area.


Benefits to Parents & Children

  • Walking collection for Lawrencetown National School
  • Affordable and flexible childcare option
  • Range of activities to suit all interests
  • Supervised Homework
  • Additional time socialising with friends and the opportunity to make new ones
  • Access to extra-curricular activities at Energy


Drop off and collection services:

We offer a walking collection service from Lawrencetown National School. We also have a School Crossing Warden in place for extra safety whilst crossing the road to the afterschool.


Supervised Homework

A supervised homework period is provided each day after dinner.  We aim to complete as much homework as possible with the children during this time.

We aim to have worked through most of your child’s homework before collection  as we understand the difficulties the children may have in completing their homework when they arrive home, late in the evening.

However, we do encourage our parents to complete the reading element of the homework with their child at home and sign their homework journal as this gives our parents an opportunity to spend quality time with their children each evening and to watch their progress.


Extra Curricular Activities

We provide a range of different extra curricular activities per term in Energy Afterschool to offer more variety and also to help parents by hosting them during afterschool it means that you have more quality time to spend rather than rushing to activities at the weekends. In Term One we had Gymnastics which was well loved by all the children. These activities are open to families whom are also not using the afterschool facility and it is a good opportunity to see how the facility works.

Book Club has been a great success this was introduced last term and happens twice a month on a Monday in partnership with Eyrecourt Library. It offers a great opportunity for children to immersed into their imagination and to encourage reading.

We look forward to adding lots more in future terms. If you have any suggestion let us know by calling, emailing or dropping a comment on our facebook page. We always welcome new suggestions.

A sample of a daily routine – children can choose from a wide range of activities

Healthy Snack & Homework
3.15 – 4.30pm
Art Project, Quiz, Imagination Games
4.30 – 5.00pm
Obstacle Course, Dance or Team Game
5.00- 5.30pm
Board Games, Lego Construction
5.30 – 6.00pm
Relay Races, Round up of the day